Nicole Kirch

Nicole Kirch is a North Carolina-based recording engineer and musician.  In her short career, she has worked on-location sound, post-production, stage crew, and electronics.  Her love of sound stretches to almost every niche.  Nicole holds a BA in Sound Design from Michigan Tech (the first female to graduate from the program) and a BS in Electrical Engineering Tech from Austin Peay State University.   She believes in women’s empowerment and independent music.

Blog Posts by Nicole Kirch

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Have you ever planned a vacation around your ears? As in a location with something unique to offer in aural...
This list is not exhaustive, and emergency numbers are based on where you live, so be sure to do extra research...
Every year in the fall Mix Magazine presents a Sound For Film and TV conference. Hosted at Sony Pictures Studios...
Have you ever read the spec sheet on your favorite piece of gear and wondered what the terms mean?  Are you...
n the Speech Production Lab at Indiana University, I am using a special 3D/4D ultrasound set up to look at the...
Just as scripts provide women with roles that exist solely in relation to the men of the film, sounds that are...
I was fortunate enough to learn hand drafting in a theatre-specific drafting course (computer-aided drafting was covered later). Besides the basics...
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