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I’d become stuck in a harmful rut with my work and wasn’t where I wanted to be. Although it was difficult...
Women in Vinyl: The Art of Making Vinyl written by Jenn D’Eugenio
While many genres of music are customarily recorded in a studio, with overdubbing and flexible acoustics (vocal booths, acoustic panels, etc.)...
I recently stumbled across an interesting podcast episode about the power of voice, featuring world-renowned vocal coach Stewart Pearce. A fascinating...
The priority as an independent artist is to figure out what makes you unique. Your BRAND. If you haven’t yet figured...
Classical music recording is quite a niche area of the audio recording world that can take time and experience to build...
As a freelance music producer and recording engineer, the recording sessions are a key component of your business. The success of...
Follow these tips and I know you can become the singer’s favorite recording engineer! You’ll both benefit when the end product...
Recording commercial music in a bedroom, a basement, or even a garage instead of a professional studio seems to be the...
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