Chris Van Drie

Chris works full time for Audio Intercom Services in NYC, in a niche of audio most people don’t realize exists. She is a Wireless Audio Technician in the TV business and can be found behind an array of antennas in whatever part of the world TV is being made. Chris will be blogging about the world of wireless for TV.

Blog Posts by Chris Van Drie

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The Incomplete-Ever-Growing-List-of-Things-Impacting-My-Day ….all of which were experienced in the last two months and are not listed in any particular order.
*And some random pictures from when I worked at NASA mission control Here is a pic of me at my best...
On the surface, communications can look like a totally different animal from the rest of audio. On a fundamental level, though...
“Any convention with a helicopter doing camera demonstrations in the parking lot is going to be the best ever!”. My second...
Recently I spent some time crawling around behind the cash register of an expensive liquor store to help Jon Oliver steal...
I work in a niche of audio that only exists in in the TV business, but involves technology many of you...
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