April Tucker

Blog Posts by April Tucker
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Fei Yu is a Chinese award-winning music producer, music supervisor, music editor, and recording engineer. Fei’s ability to seek education ahead...
Assume you are up against 30-50+ other applicants. It’s worth putting in your best effort. When most applicants follow directions exactly...
I'm a SoundGirl at heart. I love audio. I love everything about it. But what I realized is I had to...
Instead of focusing on the statement ‘the industry is male-dominated,’ let’s showcase women who are already in the field so that...
Lara Dale stumbled into Foley when she came across a Craigslist ad asking for someone with a trained dance background to...
Ethel Gabriel (1921-2021) may be one of the most prolific recording industry professionals you’ve never heard of. Ethel was the first...
You'd think in an industry where our careers depend on hearing (and we do educate about hearing loss) we may want...
Helen Oakley Dance (born Helen Oakley) was the earliest female jazz record producer (and perhaps the earliest known female record producer...
Mary Shipman Howard was one of the earliest known female recording engineers and one of the earliest women studio owners (in...
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