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It is established here in Brazil (God knows why), that a good technician or audio engineer is the one who does...
In an industry where fees are kept close to everyone’s chest, it’s often hard to know what is a fair price...
Now more than ever women should support organizations that encourage equity and solidarity for women.
As a woman in tech it can sometimes feel like we are fighting for recognition and it is troubling when those...
A year ago, April contributed a post to Designing Sound about being a Woman in Audio. She examines the progress women...
I came up during a time where society viewed women working in male-dominated fields like an anomaly. My generation tended to...
Confronting stereotypes and bias.
It was enough that she felt she needed to apologize to them. For what? Having a network of support with other...
Addressing sexism within our industry and throughout our lives is a complex one, but one we should explore and understand. It...
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