Susan Williams

Blog Posts by Susan Williams
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For the past several months I have had trouble with writing blogs or creating anything at all. We even took a...
No, I don't give a shit about cursing! We use language to express ourselves, and even when we have the best...
I wanted to share some of my tips and setup for digital video recording since I have been utilizing it a...
Most of the women that I’ve met in audio and tech positions across the world have felt they existed outside the...
The competitiveness of our industry is highly present and sometimes aggressive. Of course, you can find any number of people to...
SoundGirl Susan Williams shares her experiences with theatre mixing including tips to stay organized, master the script, and produce a great...
Soundgirl Susan Williams explains production communication via intercom or comms systems. Providing important insights into the system's parts and setup.
2nd Annual SoundGirls Orlando EXPO - Empowerment is in our tagline for a reason; we can equip these young ladies with...
What we are doing now matters to the future generations, we can shame people in public for having bad experiences or...
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