Nicole Kirch

Nicole Kirch is a North Carolina-based recording engineer and musician.  In her short career, she has worked on-location sound, post-production, stage crew, and electronics.  Her love of sound stretches to almost every niche.  Nicole holds a BA in Sound Design from Michigan Tech (the first female to graduate from the program) and a BS in Electrical Engineering Tech from Austin Peay State University.   She believes in women’s empowerment and independent music.

Blog Posts by Nicole Kirch

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In order to learn more about circuit bending, I interviewed Chris Bullock, a location sound recordist who also makes music as...
As cacophonous as its cover, illustrated by the renaissance woman herself, this title explores the rule-breaking philosophy behind many iconic albums. ...
I decided that this bass would be my “frankenbass.”  A monster I would experiment with, and hopefully bring it inner peace.
Crossovers are not the most glamorous or talked about gear in live sound, but they are an integral part of the...
I thought I would share some coloring and activity pages for SoundGirls of almost any age to enjoy.
From sophisticated audio equipment to garage-built synths, blinking lights to ADC’s, the world is the 555’s oyster
I, like many of you, hit the “buy” button immediately once Women in Audio by Leslie Gaston-Bird was published.  A textbook...
These are artists who just happen to be women. Their work is what defines them, not their gender.
Nicole shares a letter written to her baby girl.
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