Michelle Sabolchick Pettinato

Blog Posts by Michelle Sabolchick Pettinato
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There are days in this business that are really dreadful. Days where nothing goes right. They can be full of technical problems...
At one time, thought to be the stuff of myth or folklore, much like the Yeti or Bigfoot, stories and sightings...
This list was floating around on the net years ago, I don’t know who created it, but it still holds true....
Japan is Mr Big’s home away from home. They are adored by their fans here and consider them lifelong friends. They...
I have just begun my newest tour with Mr Big who is comprised of Eric Martin, Billy Sheehan, Paul Gilbert, and...
Magali Couturier has been working as an independent Monitor Engineer for 19 years. She’s toured with The Dandy Warhols, Rufus Wainwright,...
Some members have asked what lessons we’ve learned over the years. Here are a few things I’ve assimilated during my time...
Jackie Green is Vice President of R&D/Engineering at Audio Technica. She’s been involved in the development of several of ATs innovative...
I mentioned to Karrie that I was having a hard time coming up with a topic for this month’s blog, a...
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