Yvonne Gilbert

With a background in theatre and mixing musicals, Yvonne blogs about her projects and tips and techniques she’s found useful.

Blog Posts by Yvonne Gilbert

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In an industry where fees are kept close to everyone’s chest, it’s often hard to know what is a fair price...
Why would I allow my knockbacks to define me when I could choose to let my recoveries do so?
I’ve covered some of the things I have learned about radio mics here, but it’s a constant art of just doing...
Radio Mic Placement in Musicals - Well, we had to pull the mics down the forehead. What seems like a...
This was a working church, so that meant every evening we had to be out of the building for two hours...
Of course messing up something that doesn’t get fixed before it makes it into the show is not a habit to...
Would Shakespeare shun today’s technology? Shakespeare utilized a sound department, using sound effects and they lowered actors in from the flys....
As a woman in tech it can sometimes feel like we are fighting for recognition and it is troubling when those...
As an Associate, I think it is important to remember this is not my show. I may have artistic input, and...
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