Live Sound

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Before I get started with some more technical blogging, I thought I'd give you a bit of background info on myself....
There are days in this business that are really dreadful.  Days where nothing goes right. They can be full of technical problems...
At one time, thought to be the stuff of myth or folklore, much like the Yeti or Bigfoot, stories and sightings...
The week between ACL we traveled to Tulsa, OK, and Lincoln, NE. We had two days off in Tulsa, right in...
I have just begun my newest tour with Mr Big who is comprised of  Eric Martin, Billy Sheehan, Paul Gilbert, and...
Some members have asked what lessons we’ve learned over the years.  Here are a few things I’ve assimilated during my time...
The Name of the Game is How To Work Smarter.
Recently, I was on a crew of three working a small event at a community college. As the audio engineer on...
I mentioned to Karrie that I was having a hard time coming up with a topic for this month’s blog, a...
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