Daniella Peters-Initiative Creates a Job
Daniella Peters is the head of the Sales Department and part of the management team at Rat Sound in Camarillo, CA. Like many in the music industry, Daniella essentially created her job.
Claire Murphy – Back Line Tech
Claire got her start the same way as hundreds of backline techs do, by playing guitar and realizing the band thing just was not going to work out.
Karen Anderson- Smaart Woman
Karen Anderson is COO and Director of Marketing for Rational Acoustics the developer of Smaart. She started out at Meyer Sound in the early 90s.
LP – Creating Music on her Terms.
LP spent the better part of four years touring the country in a van, honing her skills as a fierce performer. Her songwriting credits include the Backstreet Boys, Rihanna, Christina Aguilera, and Joe Walsh.
SJackie Green of Audio Technica
Jackie Green is Vice President of R&D/Engineering at Audio Technica. She’s been involved in the development of several of ATs innovative products and technologies.
Andie Cascioli and the Columbus Live Music Scene
This month I sat down with a fellow sound engineer and friend Andie Cascioli. Andie and I both attended Capital University together. Andie is now working as a live sound engineer in Columbus OH. As for myself, I have been busy busy busy at Eighth Day Sound, building cables and new interface boxes for the...