Kimberlynn Ahlers

Blog Posts by Kimberlynn Ahlers
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You read that title correctly, the future is spatial ( and binaural ) audio. Here’s why!
With many plugins come great opportunities. Plugins, for those unaware, are akin to cooking spices. Each one has a different flavor...
My first gig in live sound was the most trial-by-fire you can possibly get. Despite being fresh out of my college...
April is Sexual Harassment Awareness Month, which is honestly the worst. The fact that there even NEEDS to be an awareness...
Superbia – set in a world where people are devoid of emotions and glued to their TV screens, one man “defected”...
I’d like to take some time to recognize this new start, I have a strong feeling I’m not the only one...
Take some time to give yourself warm words and self-recognition. What did you accomplish? It doesn’t need to be going on...
When it comes to wanting to have your profession in the arts? Getting a degree from an educational institution may or...
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