India Hooi

India Hooi is an Australian recording and mixing engineer and musician. She specializes in classical, acoustic, and multi-genre music production, and also has experience in audio for podcasts, audiobooks, and media. In 2022 India is thrilled to be undertaking the audio engineering fellowship at the New World Symphony in Miami Beach. She previously studied a degree in classical piano at the University of Adelaide and a Master in Tonmeister (music recording) at the Royal Danish Academy of Music. India is a singer and multi-instrumentalist with prog-rock band Psychic Equalizer and jazz duo Indigo; she’s also an experienced choral singer and loves learning instruments from around the world.

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Blog Posts by India Hooi

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If you’re thinking about working at a summer music festival - classical or otherwise - I say go for it, and...
While many genres of music are customarily recorded in a studio, with overdubbing and flexible acoustics (vocal booths, acoustic panels, etc.)...
Classical music recording is quite a niche area of the audio recording world that can take time and experience to build...
Audio education can sometimes be expensive or difficult to access depending on where you live and your current life situation and...
Recording an orchestra, whether for a live concert or a studio recording, can be a thrilling experience, as you have a...
Look around the audio industry and you’ll find an abundant number of people who are passionate, motivated, inspired, dedicated, hardworking, and...
There is so much learning to be had, inspiration to be soaked up, networking to be done, and innovation to be...
Audio is a diverse and fascinating industry, and if you’re just starting out in your audio career it can be hard...
How can you combine several interests and skill sets to create a satisfying career that also pays the bills?
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