Theatre Sound Design

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I knew it was a good show five minutes into the first run-through. The LSMT cast was energetic and tight, and...
Earlier this year something happened to me that hasn't happened to me very often: my sound design received positive praise in...
It happens to everyone at some point. That crucial bit of kit fails at the wrong moment. The radio mic on...
It's not a mic, a recorder, and it's definitely not a plugin. The best sound design tools you have are attached...
When I was younger and was asked what I did I often use to say, “I work in theatre.” Not “I’m...
I love working as a sound designer in fringe theatre. It’s underfunded, often underpaid and over-looked, and it can also reveal...
I recently worked on a production of Lift a musical set in and around the lift of Covent Garden underground station....
At one time, thought to be the stuff of myth or folklore, much like the Yeti or Bigfoot, stories and sightings...
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