Theatre Sound Design

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Radio Mic Placement in Musicals - Well, we had to pull the mics down the forehead. What seems like a...
Now I don’t know what I was expecting, but I certainly didn’t expect that the amp would come in pieces and...
The need for research before you embark on a location recording session, especially checking if it's the right time/season/weather to capture...
This was a working church, so that meant every evening we had to be out of the building for two hours...
You may get philosophical about your career. There’s a lot of questions about what your new life will look like. How...
The music component of a sound design is an area where a collaborative relationship with the director is crucial. Music is...
Would Shakespeare shun today’s technology? Shakespeare utilized a sound department, using sound effects and they lowered actors in from the flys....
I've built up my sound effects library with love and care over the years and like most designers, I have my...
As shows get bigger, sound systems become ever-more complex. Someone on your team has to make it all work together, and...
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