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When selecting our musical instruments, amplifiers, effects rack, monitors, audio interfaces, etc ... we are generally extremely selective. since for some...
Drums are usually an integral part of any commercial track. No matter the genre, drums can play an important part in...
DAWs are less like a uniform you have to wear and more like an eclectic wardrobe that fits you perfectly. I...
The current economic situation has meant that many creatives are experiencing uncertain and leaner times. Thankfully, one area that has been...
The express guide to recruiting a more heterogeneous workforce
As someone who has spoken and written about diversity in the workplace quite...
While social media has already been a fruitful avenue for music promotion, the app TikTok has brought new methods of music...
Getting a track mastered can be a daunting experience if you’ve never done it before. You may be asking yourself, what...
Since I’ve started to produce my own music again, I’ve been investigating ways to break out of some of my existing...
Mixing classical music usually involves finding a pleasing balance between the recorded channels (for example, the stereo pair, spot mics and...
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