Career Development

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One way to describe job searching in our industry is “hurry up and wait.” Sometimes you’ll interview quickly but not start...
We have all had bad days at work. Sometimes there is that guy who won't let up with the comments, the...
By Karrie Keyes Or How to Encourage More Cooperation Most of us working in the music industry work with people we...
At the end of 2001, I was about to start my professional career in sound. I was 24 with one degree...
We are in the midst of summer, the height of touring season here in the US, throw some festivals on top...
So here's a revolutionary idea, freelance sound people: you don't have to take every job offered to you.
Earlier this year something happened to me that hasn't happened to me very often: my sound design received positive praise in...
Confronting stereotypes and bias.
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