Career Development

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We as women and as creatives often sell ourselves short when it comes to how much we charge and how strict...
Articles on Career Development! Tips for writing resumes, cover letters, dealing with sexual harassment and more!
There’s no such thing as a get rich quick scheme gone right, and the internet savagely preys on poor, unsuspecting dreamers...
With big events comes great responsibilities but also great learning opportunities. When you continuously challenge yourself and learn from your mistakes...
Last year I put together a list of activities to make the most of the end-of-year quiet season. Ten Ways to...
Freelancing is a standard part of our industry and the way many organizations find their labor for various kinds of shows....
The biggest challenge we’ve faced with a young toddler (for my husband and me since we both work in audio) is...
I think we all reach a point in our lives where we might feel a little lost on our path. All...
We work hard and tirelessly to establish ourselves in our career paths and are continuously pushing the boundaries set for us,...
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