The Five Percent

Profiles of Women in Audio

Women in the Industry

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Nitrosonic Studios: Women-Owned and Operated Studio and Audio School

Nitrosonic Studios: Woman-Owned and Operated Studio and Audio School

Febe AdeDamola & Audio Girl Africa

Instead of focusing on the statement ‘the industry is male-dominated,’ let’s showcase women who are already in the field so that people see that even if we have so many men in the industry, there are women who are doing great jobs who are doing their best and brightest. Seeing is believing. When I see...

Denk Studios is Women-Owned and Creates a Safe Space

Jam Phelps, a recording and mixing engineer, is the owner of Denk Studios (North Carolina), a self-proclaimed safe space for all musicians regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

Christa Giammattei – Bridging Audio and Apparel with CMD+S

Christa Giammattei is an audio engineer, sound designer, and musician. She provides both mixing and editing post-production sound services including dialog editing, cleanup, sound mixing, sound design, music editing, and music composition. 

Tour Manager Marguerite Nguyen

Marguerite Nguyen is an independent tour manager who has worked in the industry for 25 years and has been on the road since 2000. She got her start working as […]

Twi McCallum on Hiring Black Designers and Creatives

However, the icing on the cake would be if I’m not the only Black, femme, and LGBTQ person on those technical teams. In a few years when I can grow as a businessperson, I want to have the power to train and recruit diverse engineers, A2s, foley artists, dialogue editors, etc who look like me.

Proof in Music

Anyone Who Says They Can’t Find Women to Work With Hasn’t Bothered Looking! Proof in Music is another important platform to increase the visibility of women who are paving their own career paths behind the boards.

The ABCs of Women in Theatre

These women are heroes, bad-ass superstars.  Let’s always make history remember who they are.  Through pandemic ramblings, or word-press, or pen, keep spreading the word of these powerful women. 
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