Theatre Sound Design
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Once I have an official offer I can start my formal prep. At this point, I ask for a packet of...
I have found that looking into psychoacoustics and auditory neurology provides incredible design techniques and ideas that are not always at...
Why is having a well-trained sub so important? Well, the old saying “the show must go on” applies equally on stage...
For as long as I have been searching for jobs in my professional career, the pay is almost always the last...
A lot of folks’ first “big break” doesn’t come in the way that you might expect. Mine was a matter of...
The Innovation of Theatre During a Pandemic
Have you ever had a little voice in your head whispering that you don’t know what you’re doing? Ever looked around...
In a theater, sound design is a mode of transportation into the world of the story. As we adapt to creating...
Have you ever watched athletes arrive at an arena hours before the game begins? Or read an entire article that is...
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