Be Bold, Be You, & Be Proud

We are all amazing women; we do great things, experience amazing events, and live in wonderful ways. We are strong role models and have strong role models. We are moms, significant others, teachers, bosses, trendsetters, friends, and leaders.

All these traits are wonderful and amazing qualities that many people look up too. So then why do a lot of us as women self-deprecate? Why do we not accept compliments when they are well deserved, we don’t take ownership of our significant achievements, and we don’t lead without fear of being called a bitch. Part of it is some of our less progressive counterparts accelerating the way we feel, but I think this idea has been ingrained in us over centuries. We tell ourselves things that bring us down, and we allow others to talk or act that way to us as well. We feel the need to search for approval than to already know we are doing the right thing. We need to accept ourselves for all our strengths and weaknesses, but that does not require us to tear ourselves down. We have enough people that will do that for us. Since we are such magnificent women, it’s time for us to start changing this for ourselves.

Think about the last time you looked at a picture of yourself – did you look at it without thinking something negative about yourself or did you start picking it a part? Thinking or even saying out loud “I have ugly bags under my eyes,” “I didn’t stand right,” or “I look fat.” Maybe you didn’t even look at it because you already knew you looked terrible because you’ve told yourself that so many times you think it is true.  Society markets to us that we need to be skinnier, dress differently, act differently, and more. As a result, we do it to ourselves too. Society brings us down enough. We don’t need to do it to ourselves, and we definitely don’t need to do it to each other. We need to make sure our false opinions of ourselves don’t turn into our realities.

I think it’s time we challenge ourselves to reset the trend. I know so many strong women, yet this still seems to be engrained in us as those strong women also deal with these feelings and thoughts.  It’s time for a change, and it starts with us. Look at that picture and see your health, beauty, strength, and remember the moment in which the picture was taken. Remind yourself your leadership and direction is no different than your counterpart. You are not bitchy, you are confident, and are giving clear directions! You are a leader no different than anyone else. Stop getting stuck on that one decision or one thing that did not go according to your plan; instead, focus on everything that did! Let’s be the example that all women need and change the outlook for the next generation just like the generation before us has done in other ways.

Let’s look at that picture and say, I look great! That day was so fun! Let’s be bold, be you, & be proud for those before us, those after us, and most of all for yourself


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