Virginia Haladyna

Blog Posts by Virginia Haladyna
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I love Austin with all of my heart. I will most likely settle down here once I’ve achieved the level of...
July of last year, I was in a writing slump. I kept getting this feeling that I should find a beat...
During quarantine, I wrote a lot of music. Now, I’m in the process of recording that music, and hearing it come...
Versatile Microphones for the Home Recording Studio
You might’ve noticed the title for this month's blog is called “Minimalist Mixing Techniques”, so you already know what I’m about...
You might’ve noticed the title for this month's blog is called “Minimalist Mixing Techniques”, so you already know what I’m about...
We only had two days to this 16 song album, and guess what... WE DID IT! Everyone did a great job...
Reference tracks are important because often while mixing, your ears can lose perspective. A reference track is helpful to have this...
Recently, I have taken a time-out from working with clients, as well as interning, because I was feeling very burnt out....
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