Sophia Olson

Sophia finds joy in sharing the experience of live music with those around her. If there’s a concert, she always buys two tickets and then finds a friend to go with her. Her driving goal is to build a more equitable, diverse, and representative music industry by fostering dialogue and action.

Currently, she is a third-year student at American University in Washington D.C. In addition to her studies, she is the entertainment law editor for the school’s pre-law journal and head copy editor for the university’s literary magazine. In her free time, you can find her searching for the next good music biography and a cup of coffee.

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Blog Posts by Sophia Olson

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Music matters deeply to the emotive value of a film. The sonic emotion determines the interpretation of the viewer and their...
A few years ago I purchased a record player. The purchase shocked my baby boomer parents as they were confused on...
While social media has already been a fruitful avenue for music promotion, the app TikTok has brought new methods of music...
Even though I’ve been to more concerts than I can count, I still get giddy every time I walk through the...
Culturally Stevie Nicks is an icon. Stevie’s music still tops the charts, years after the song's initial release. Her longstanding popularity...
Feminist rock has been a new type of protest that has emerged in Pakistan political movements. Garam Anday, Hot Eggs, is...
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