Arica Rust

Blog Posts by Arica Rust
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A long-time favorite application among engineers of the RTA has been for identifying frequency values for audible problems like feedback. Yet...
Understanding Phase Relationships in Constructive and Destructive Interferences
Across my social media feeds, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, and everyone in between, were all sharing updates of how they had to...
The use of FIR filters (or finite impulse response filters) has grown in popularity in the live sound world as digital...
Have you ever stood outside when it has been snowing and noticed that it feels “quieter” than normal? Have you ever...
The Beauty Lies In The Fractals - A Story by Arica Rust
Part Three: Networking Protocols (or A History of IEEE Standards)
Part Two: Designing A Network*
A basic understanding of what is a network and how we can create and connect to a network.
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