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Nitrosonic Studios: Woman-Owned and Operated Studio and Audio School
The best thing you can do whilst mixing is cleaning up the recording so that frequencies don’t clash with one another....
As a songwriter or producer, having a “blank canvas” in front of you, whether it be white-lined paper waiting for lyrics,...
Our work as audio professionals should be focused on dedicating ourselves to telling stories in more than acoustic terms, telling stories...
I never really followed the “traditional” path to get to where I am today. The world of audio has led me...
Have you ever had a little voice in your head whispering that you don’t know what you’re doing? Ever looked around...
Great vocal performance on a record does not happen by accident. Many factors contribute to making a recording session successful or...
Jam Phelps, a recording and mixing engineer, is the owner of Denk Studios (North Carolina), a self-proclaimed safe space for all...
As cacophonous as its cover, illustrated by the renaissance woman herself, this title explores the rule-breaking philosophy behind many iconic albums. ...
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