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The Volume Battle


Over the course of twenty-two years with Pearl Jam, the stage volume has always been an issue. Back in the day, stage volume measured around 120 to 122 dB on any given day. Mind you, we were playing clubs and small theaters, and often the stereo drum mix ( 2 Rat dual 15”/ dual 10”/2” cabinets) with a sub was loud enough to fill the room. (It would have been louder than most of the club sound systems, except we were carrying production). The vocal mic would feedback in the drum monitor. Our first soundman, Brett Eliason, would often joke that he only needed to add HH and Vocal to the house mix. (more…)

Analog vs Digital continues

Stupid Wonderful Digital

I have to second Michelle’s thoughts on digital consoles – “Oh digital console, how do I dislike you? Let me count the ways”. I could make a very long list and I have, every time I go to put a spec together. I prefer to use an analog console. I have gone to great lengths to use analog, specing a Midas Venice or even using a Mackie Onyx mixer. Of course these boards do not work for the majority of work I do, but they were the right tools for the shows I was working.

I choose to use an analog over a digital for several reasons – (more…)

Made in America


Originally this blog was going to detail the new Pearl Jam monitor system in reverse. When I sat down to write it – I realized that it was going to be difficult to document the stages and changes and have them make sense. So I have decided to document it from beginning to end. It starts almost a year ago at the “Made in America Festival” and comes to a temporary end at Wrigley Field. I say temporary as production is never static and should keep evolving.


Building the new Pearl Jam Monitor rig in reverse…


July 19 – 20, 2013

Wrigley Field

It’s 4 AM and I am back at the hotel, exhausted, covered in dried sweat and grime. We have successfully pulled off the only outdoor show scheduled for July 19th in Chicago.  I have lobby call in less than five hours and must shower, pack, and sleep.  Sleep should come easily, yet I am wired from the show and now worried about waking up for lobby call. I shower and try to decompress and process all the months of work and planning that have just culminated in tonite’s Wrigley Field Show. (more…)

March 2013 SoundGirls.Org in the Community

SoundGirls.Org joined ​Step Up Women’s Network last week to host a career day “Behind the Scenes of Music Industry” at the Rox. Step Up Women’s Network is a non-profit that works to empower teen girls from under-resourced communities to become confident, college-bound, and career-ready. The afternoon explored the fields of Professional Audio and Show Production and was joined by Pearl Jam monitor engineer and co-founder of SoundGirls.Org Karrie Keyes, Rat Sound’s Daniella Peters, Exec producer of the documentary Foo Fighters: Back and Forth, Jeanne Elfant Festa, and sound engineer at the Whiskey a Go Go Ruby Zamora. Nikki Reed actress, producer, and songwriter joined in the group discussions and invited the girls to watch sound check for the evenings performance. Nikki Reed and Paul McDonald performed songs from their new album for an evening benefit concert for Step Up Women’s Network. (more…)