One Simple Tool to Find the Right Size Speaker for Any Space

Do you usually choose speakers by guessing? I want to show you one simple tool to find the exact right speaker for any space.

It is called Forward Aspect Ratio (FAR) and it is simply the shape a speaker makes, defined by length and width. Here’s how you can reverse engineer it to master the universe.

  1. Measure the length of your space at mid-depth.
  2. Measure the width of your space at mid-width.
  3. FAR = length ÷ width.
  4. Cov. Angle = 2 × arcsin(1 ÷ FAR).

Let’s walk through it together.

1. Measure the length of your space at mid-depth.

2. Measure the width of your space at mid-width.

3. FAR = length ÷ width

50 ÷ 40 = 1.25

FAR = 1.25

4. Cov. Angle = 2 × arcsin(1 / FAR)

2 × arcsin(1 ÷ 1.25) = 106º

We need a 106º speaker.


Yikes! How do I type this into the google calculator?

Easy. Search for calculator. Make sure you are in degrees. Click inside the calculator input window and type 2 [shift + 8] [shift + s] 1 / 1.25 [enter]. On a mobile device, turn to landscape mode and use the Inv button to show sin-1.


What if I don’t have the right speaker?

Don’t worry. As long as you have no more than a 3 dB error on each side, you’ll be fine.

Drop this into Google: ABS((20 × log(FAR A))-(20 × log(FAR B))) where FAR A is the speaker you need and FAR B is the speaker you have. As long as the result is less than 3, you’re good.

What if the result is more than 3?

If your speaker is too wide, just know you’re going to get some extra wall reflections.

If your speaker is too narrow, consider subdividing the space. Take your FAR, cut it in half, and redo your calculations.

Further questions?

Click here to download my free book, 105 Questions about Sound System Tuning. It’s everything you wanted to know about live sound system setup but were afraid to ask.

Nathan Lively is a Sound Engineer, Pro Audio Career Coach, and Author. His goal is to help you grow your business through:

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