SoundGirls Spotlight

Grace Banks

Recording Engineer

Hear Their Career

London, UK

How did you become a producer/sound engineer?
Shadowed live sound engineers (approached them cold); organized events where I would do the live sound (approached the venue cold); got a job at a rehearsal studio (knew the studio employees because a band I played in rehearsed there); got a job at a recording studio (approached it cold)

What advice would you give students either going into school or just graduating about getting a job in this industry?
The difference between failure and success is often perseverance – keep going!

What are the major qualities required to be a good sound engineer in your opinion?
Good listening skills, knowledge of your tools, calmness under pressure, quick thinking, problem solving, awareness of the people around you and of what they need, want and feel.

What is your recording/producing philosophy?
Keep your ego out of the way and have fun

What producers/engineers inspire/inspired you?
Sylvia Massy and David Wrench

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