Everyone’s Favorite – What’s In My Pelican

A favorite conversation among touring techs centers around the tools we carry in our pelicans or bags. It’s taken me years to refine my kit, but the pieces have become incredibly personal to me in how they support my career. Some items in my FOH kit tend to shock people, but I maintain that even though I typically have a “speciality,” I’m not free from responsibilities as a tech. Equally, while these items don’t always directly benefit me, they’re oftentimes helpful to others I may be working with.

Hopefully, this can serve as a guide for someone building their first kit. While none of these are necessarily outside of the box/unconventional, I consider them must-haves for either backup on tours or as part of my fly rig.

First, I carry a small tuning rig. This includes a Smaart Suite license purchased from Rational Acoustics. Along with this, I have a 2-channel Focusrite Scarlett 2i2, a 100-foot cable, and a couple of measurement mics such as the Isemcon 7150 or dbx RTA-M. I also carry a Manfrotto 156 BLB stand with a couple of adapters and clips.

Next up, testing tools are a must. This includes fiber cleaner, a Rat Sound XLR Sniffer/Sender tool, and a Sound Bullet. They’ve come in handy countless times for double-checking my work on stage or in the shop prepping.

Small organizational items also make it into my pack. A label maker is always present, as are zip ties and cable ties, a variety of colors of e-tape, and some gaff. Allen wrenches come in handy, as well as screwdrivers. Extra thunderbolt/usb adapters, drum keys, and RJ45 cables are also generally seen in my kit.

These items are generally organized within a Pelican 1510, but I also make sure my backpack is packed with essentials. Other expected items I include are my JH V2 16 in ears and a pair of HPH-MT8 headphones. And of course, I never leave the house without a notebook and flash drives.

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What’s In Your Go Bag?

Living In and Out of A Big Fat Suitcase

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