Nicole Kirch

Nicole Kirch is a North Carolina-based recording engineer and musician.  In her short career, she has worked on-location sound, post-production, stage crew, and electronics.  Her love of sound stretches to almost every niche.  Nicole holds a BA in Sound Design from Michigan Tech (the first female to graduate from the program) and a BS in Electrical Engineering Tech from Austin Peay State University.   She believes in women’s empowerment and independent music.

Blog Posts by Nicole Kirch

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So far the books I have reviewed for SoundGirls are all non-fiction.  While I would love to start the year off...
I am a self-declared riot grrrl fan, and therefore Fairytale in the Supermarket and Lola are on regular rotation.  Their sound...
Architectural Acoustics is the science behind buildings as an instrument. The main methods of controlling the sonic ambience of a building...
Women in Vinyl: The Art of Making Vinyl written by Jenn D’Eugenio
To wrap it all up, the vibrant cover (my edition is neon pink) attracts the eye to a book about music...
As a companion to Behind the Sound Cart, this book builds upon that foundation.  I eagerly await the third installment.
At first glance Loud: A Life in Rock'n'roll by the world's first female roadie by Tana Douglas is a scintillating look...
Jessica Hopper wanted me personally to read  The First Collection of Criticism by a Living Female Rock Critic, and you, too. ...
Passion in the face of oppression.  Strength in the face of power.  Congress Radio has those moments of inspiration, but this...
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