Theatre Sound Design

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At this moment, many of us find ourselves living in states of uncertainty about the future of our industry, insecurity regarding...
Since becoming a theatre sound student last September, I’ve had the opportunity to work on two productions in two different spaces....
Some people have questioned why I felt the need to undertake a course like this when I “already know everything about...
Sound is a department that a lot of people don’t understand, but everyone has an opinion about it. Learning how to...
So, when you find someone doing what you want to do, go talk to them. If it’s at a show, find...
I try to give you multiple opinions of whatever I’m talking about because nothing in this industry is one-size-fits-all. Listen to...
This April I opened my first Broadway show: The Outsiders. It was a whirlwind, an adventure, and it was incredible: working...
My previous two blogs were about how to get started mixing first with the vocals, then working with the band. Once...
In my last blog, I started talking about how you can approach mixing when you’re just getting started. If you haven’t...
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