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Challenging Internalized Sexism


Addressing sexism within our industry and throughout our lives is a complex one, but one we should explore and understand. It requires understanding how it affects our lives, and I think a good place to start is how we process it and deal with it. How much of it is ingrained into us, without ever realizing it? (more…)

Sexism – It’s still an Issue in 2015

Happy New Year to everyone, I hope that 2015 is filled with work and new adventures and experiences. As for myself, 2015 will be a slower year, as the band is taking most of the year off, and we all get some much-needed downtime. I will be able to focus my energy on SoundGirls and I hope to be able to develop a mobile production training camp for disadvantaged youth. (if you would like to be involved – please contact me) (more…)