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How to Face Uncertainty

When we don’t know how things are going to turn out? Feeling insecure because you don’t know if what you are doing will work or not? How do you handle instability? Are you positive and think that everything will be fine? Or do you start thinking about the worst? Do you lean towards the ends?

When we are anxious we can be fatalistic, pessimistic, and awaken our greatest fears. We have all lived through these moments during our lives and it is normal, but how about coping with uncertainty?

First, it is necessary to accept our current situation and begin to understand how to face it so as not to paralyze ourselves and not let anxiety consume us. Uncertainty causes stress and is generated by those things that we cannot control and makes us think of negative arguments of our lives, our relationships, and our judgment.

These are some tips to keep our minds active, a positive attitude and thus cope with difficult times and moments in our lives.

Maintain positive expectations for the future.

Express all your thoughts – writing, drawing, exercising, talking to someone, etc. And try not to recreate it consecutively.

Accept the situation without rejection, by doing this, you become decisive and you will be able to find solutions by focusing your mind and this helps you enter a state of action.

Focus on what you want and the changes you want to achieve, what you would like to achieve and how you will achieve it. That is, what do you have in your hands to get what you want?

Do not waste energy in thinking and closing in on what you cannot change, focus on what you can do and your actions.

Your thoughts feed your emotions so it is important not to fall into fatalism, change your focus.

By having a calmer mind you can find more vision and you will not be afraid to leave your comfort zone.

Take slow, deep breaths from the stomach, 5 seconds when inhaling and exhaling as many times as necessary.

In conclusion, uncertainty will always be present in our lives and sometimes more intense than others, but if you apply this re-focus you will be able to be calm, see the situation with different eyes and be less fatalistic and you will enter a state of tranquility that It will allow you to make better decisions, be more decisive, know what actions are the best to get out of that situation and therefore you will overcome this stage.

I hope that these tips serve to enjoy life more, have fun and always keep your mind busy with positive thoughts.

Carolina Anton is an internationally recognized leader in the field of live sound mixing, system design, and sound reinforcement optimization. For more than 15 years, Carolina has established a career path, collaborating with distinguished artists and productions.

Carolina’s first approach to music was as a drummer studying at the University of Berklee College of Music. Shortly after returning to Mexico City, she began working within professional audio companies, being one of the few women in Mexico who performed technical and sound mixing work.

With more than 20 national and international tours Carolina has participated as part of the production of several festivals such as KnotFest, PalNorte, President (Dominican Republic), Electric Forest (USA). She currently works as a freelancer for companies such as 2handsProductions, Eighth Day Sound, Britannia Row Productions, among others. She has mixed for artists such as Kool & The Gang, Gloria Gaynor, Natalia Lafourcade, Mon Laferte, Leon Larregui, among the most important.

In addition, Carolina is co-founder of the 3BH company with whom she develops integration projects for the audiovisual area in LATAM. After an outstanding professional career, in 2016 Carolina began representing the Soundgirls.org organization in Mexico with the aim of supporting women in the middle of the show.




El ambiente en donde nos encontramos es fundamental para tener una buena calidad de vida además de un buen desempeño laboral, pero hay un tema importante que no tomamos mucho en cuenta, cómo podemos laborar en un medio relajado cuando nuestro trabajo tiene como principio factores que físicamente nos desgastan?

La falta de sueño, mala alimentación, cambios de horarios frecuentes y principalmente el estrés son pieza fundamental para potencializar el cansancio mental y físico de cualquier ser humano, es por eso por lo que les compartiré algunos ejercicios para contrarrestar nuestro desempeño.

El  ESTRÉS, un problema por desgracia muy frecuente en la sociedad actual y puede acabar ocasionando graves problemas de salud.

Lo primero, es definir ¿qué es el estrés? Las personas tenemos un sistema de alerta que se pone en marcha ante las situaciones de estrés y que puede provocar distintas reacciones psíquicas y físicas como el aumento del estado de alerta, del tono muscular o de la frecuencia cardiaca y respiratoria. Este mecanismo de alerta tiene una finalidad adaptativa sin la cual no habríamos podido sobrevivir en nuestros inicios evolutivos y que nos hace responder de forma adecuada ante determinados cambios o situaciones de peligro.  Pero cuando esta reacción se prolonga en el tiempo se convierte en un problema porque genera un estado de alerta constante que acaba siendo perjudicial para nuestra salud física y mental.

Cuáles son las situaciones que nos producen estrés?

Cualquier tipo de cambio, tanto negativo como positivo, puede causar estrés. Algunos ejemplos pueden ser, situaciones tan diversas como enfermedades propias o de personas que nos rodean, problemas económicos, el nacimiento o los cuidados de un hijo, tener que estudiar o hacer exámenes y pérdidas de un ser querido; Enfocándonos directamente en el ritmo de trabajo que tenemos dentro de la industria del espectáculo, nos enfrentamos directamente con situaciones altamente estresantes como, cambios de horarios, viajes constantes, trabajar bajo presión, estar lejos de la familia y amigos, entre muchos otros. Pero los mismos cambios no afectan de igual forma a las personas. Hay determinadas situaciones que cada individuo las vive con mucho estrés mientras que a otros apenas les afectan.

Qué tengo que hacer para aprender a manejar el estrés?

Hay que aprender a identificar las señales que nos avisan de un posible exceso de estrés. Estas señales pueden ser de tipo emocional: cansancio, tristeza, mal humor, ira, agresividad, ansiedad,  inquietud, nerviosismo, pesimismo o conflictos en las relaciones con otras personas. Además pueden existir señales físicas de estrés: sudor, palpitaciones, contracturas musculares, dolor o ardor de estómago, dolor de cabeza, cuello o espalda e insomnio. Si nos encontramos con alguna de estas estas señales, debemos reconocer sus posibles desencadenantes e intentar controlarlas antes de enfermar. Esto dicho así parece muy fácil, pero no lo es. Tienes que realizar algunos cambios en nuestros hábitos y formas de pensar, así como aprender recursos y habilidades para enfrentaros a estas causas. Si lo consigues, el esfuerzo merecerá la pena:

Enfréntate a los problemas y no mires para otro lado.

Analiza los problemas con calma, intenta resolverlos y acepta si no los puedes cambiar. Ten una actitud positiva y déjate ayudar por los demás. En vez de preocuparte, deberías ocuparte. Intenta ver los cambios  como un reto, no como  una amenaza. Confía más en  la gente. Comparte tus emociones con los demás. No te aísles. Es muy útil hablar con personas que han pasado por situaciones parecidas. Relativiza y recupera el  sentido del humor.

Aprende a decir NO

Es muy importante marcar tus límites. No siempre tienes por qué cumplir con las expectativas y deseos de los demás.

Disfruta cada día y cuídate. Reserva un tiempo para realizar alguna actividad que te guste (leer, ver series o películas, ir al cine o al teatro, escuchar música, salir con tus amigos, ir al campo, ver exposiciones, viajar, pintar…) y hazlo sin prisas.

Haz ejercicio de manera regular.  Es la forma más saludable de  aliviar la energía y la tensión acumulada. Come y bebe con moderación. Puede parecer que el alcohol y el abuso en las comidas reducen el estrés, pero en realidad lo aumentan.

Haz descansos en el trabajo.

Evita el exceso de estimulantes (como cafeína, alcohol, etc.) y deja de fumar (la nicotina es otro estimulante más y provoca también síntomas de estrés).

Les comparto algunas sugerencias y ejercicios para tranquilizar nuestra mente y cuerpo que en lo personal me han ayudado a sobrellevar momentos de tensión, giras y largas jornadas de trabajo con muy buenos resultados.

El ejercicio y estiramientos funcionan increíblemente para quitar molestias por estar mucho tiempo de pie o en una misma posición, dolores de espalda, dolor de cabeza y cuello.

Les comparto ejercicios básicos y muy simples que pueden hacer en cualquier momento y lugar. Si tienen alguna lesión mas severa no duden en acudir a un médico.

Cuiden su cuerpo y su mente en todo momento.

Ejercicio para relajar y estirar espalda y cuello

Ejercicio para relajar espalda baja, cadera y piernas.

Presiona 4 a 5 segundos cuando sientas dolor de cabeza. Sentirás molestia, respira profundamente mientras presionas los puntos y muy pronto comenzará     el alivio.

Carolina Antón

Es una líder internacionalmente reconocida en el campo de mezcla en sonido en vivo, diseño de sistemas y optimización de refuerzos sonoros. Por más de 15 años, Carolina ha establecido una trayectoria dentro de su carrera, colaborando con artistas y producciones distinguidos.

Carolina C. Antón nació en México, graduada de la universidad Urasenke Gakuen Professional Chado College, Midorikai 浦千家ガ食えんみどり会 (Arte y cultura japonesa) Kioto, Japón. Su primer acercamiento a la música fue como baterista realizando estudios en la universidad de Berklee College of Music. Poco tiempo después de regresar a la Ciudad de México, comenzó a trabajar dentro de empresas de audio profesional, siendo una de las pocas mujeres en México que realizaban trabajos técnicos y de mezcla de sonido.

Con más de 20 tours a nivel nacional e internacional Carolina ha participado como parte de la producción de varios festivales como: KnotFest, PalNorte, Presidente (República Dominicana), Electric Forest (USA).

Actualmente trabaja como freelance para empresas como: 2handsProductions, Eighth Day Sound, Britannia Row Productions, entre otras.

Ha mezclado para artistas como Kool & The Gang, Gloria Gaynor, Natalia Lafourcade, Mon Laferte, Leon Larregui, entre los más importantes.

Además, Carolina es co-fundadora de la empresa 3BH con quien desarrolla proyectos de integración para el área audiovisual en LATAM.

Después de una sobresaliente carrera profesional, en el 2016 Carolina comenzó a representar la organización Soundgirls.org en México con el objetivo de apoyar a las mujeres dentro del medio del espectáculo.



The environment where we are is essential to have a good quality of life in addition to good work performance, but there is an important issue that we do not take into account, how can we work in a relaxed environment when our work does physically wear us out?

Lack of sleep, poor diet, frequent schedule changes, and mainly stress are fundamental pieces to potentiate the mental and physical fatigue of any human being, which is why I will share some exercises to help counteract mental and physical fatigue.

STRESS, a problem unfortunately very common in today’s society and can end up causing serious health problems.

The first thing is to define what is stress? People have an alert system that starts up in situations of stress and can cause different psychic and physical reactions such as increased alertness, muscle tone or heart and respiratory rate. This alert mechanism has an adaptive purpose without which we would not have been able to survive in our evolutionary beginnings and that makes us respond adequately to certain changes or situations of danger. But when this reaction continues over time it becomes a problem because it generates a constant state of alert that ends up being detrimental to our physical and mental health.

What are the situations that cause us stress?

Any type of change, both negative and positive, can cause stress. Some examples may be, situations as diverse as illnesses of our own or those around us, economic problems, the birth or care of a child, having to study or take tests and losses of a loved one; Focusing directly on the pace of work that we have in the entertainment industry, we are faced with highly stressful situations such as schedule changes, constant trips, working under pressure, being away from family and friends, among many others. But the same changes do not affect people equally.

What do I have to do to learn to manage stress?

We must learn to identify the signs that warn us of a possible excess of stress. These signs can be emotional: tiredness, sadness, bad mood, anger, aggressiveness, anxiety, restlessness, nervousness, pessimism or conflicts in relationships with other people. There may also be physical signs of stress: sweat, palpitations, muscle contractures, pain or heartburn, headache, neck or back, and insomnia. If we encounter any of these signals, we must recognize their possible triggers and try to control them before becoming ill. That said it seems very easy, but it is not. You have to make some changes in your habits and ways of thinking, as well as learn the resources and skills to deal with these causes. If you succeed, the effort will be worth it:

Face the problems and don’t look the other way.

Analyze the problems calmly, try to solve them and accept that you cannot change them. Have a positive attitude and let yourself be helped by others. Instead of worrying, you should take care of them. Try to see the changes as a challenge, not as a threat. Trust more people. Share your emotions with others. Do not isolate yourself. It is very useful to talk with people who have gone through similar situations. Relativize and recover the sense of humor.

Learn to say NO

It is very important to mark your limits. You don’t always have to meet the expectations and wishes of others.

Enjoy every day and take care of yourself. Reserve a time to do some activity that you like (read, watch series or movies, go to the cinema or the theater, listen to music, go out with your friends, go to the countryside, see exhibitions, travel, paint …) and do it without hurry.

Exercise regularly. It is the healthiest way to relieve energy and accumulated tension. Eat and drink in moderation. It may seem that alcohol and food abuse reduce stress, but they actually increase it.

Take breaks at work.

Avoid excess stimulants (such as caffeine, alcohol, etc.) and stop smoking (nicotine is another stimulant and also causes symptoms of stress).

I share some suggestions and exercises to reassure our mind and body that have personally helped me cope with moments of tension, tours and long working hours with very good results.

– Listen to music that reassures you, in my case, I always carry recordings of Bowls that I usually listen to on flights and long journeys.

– The aromas are also great alloys to achieve relaxation along with deep breaths. Currently, you can get vaporizers where you can place natural oils I highly recommend them.

The exercise and stretching work incredibly to remove discomfort from being long-standing or in the same position, backaches, headache, and neck.

I share basic and very simple exercises that you can do anytime, anywhere. If you have a more severe injury, do not hesitate to see a doctor.

Take care of your body and your mind at all times.

Exercise to relax and stretch back and neck

Exercise to relax the lower back, hip, and legs.

Press 4 to 5 seconds when you feel a headache. You will feel discomfort; breathe deeply while pressing the points and the relief will begin very soon.

Carolina Anton is an internationally recognized leader in the field of live sound mixing, system design, and sound reinforcement optimization. For more than 15 years, Carolina has established a career path, collaborating with distinguished artists and productions.

Carolina’s first approach to music was as a drummer studying at the University of Berklee College of Music. Shortly after returning to Mexico City, she began working within professional audio companies, being one of the few women in Mexico who performed technical and sound mixing work.

With more than 20 national and international tours Carolina has participated as part of the production of several festivals such as KnotFest, PalNorte, President (Dominican Republic), Electric Forest (USA). She currently works as a freelancer for companies such as 2handsProductions, Eighth Day Sound, Britannia Row Productions, among others. She has mixed for artists such as Kool & The Gang, Gloria Gaynor, Natalia Lafourcade, Mon Laferte, Leon Larregui, among the most important.

In addition, Carolina is co-founder of the 3BH company with whom she develops integration projects for the audiovisual area in LATAM. After an outstanding professional career, in 2016 Carolina began representing the Soundgirls.org organization in Mexico with the aim of supporting women in the middle of the show.