Sound & Recording Program at City College of San Francisco
City College of San Francisco offers several certificates and degrees in Broadcast Electronic Media Arts (BEMA). Including certificates in Sound Recording Arts, Live Sound, Broadcast, Sound Design, Post Production, Audio and Video for the Web, Multimedia Journalism, Film, Television and Electronic Media. They also offer an AV Tech Certificate program.
BEMA audio classes are taught by industry professionals with years of experience. You will have access to state of the art equipment and the best part the program is almost free. City College of San Francisco is tuition free for San Francisco Residents, and $46 per-unit for California Residents, International students pay around $225 per-unit.
. You will also work with real clients, gain hands-on experience in a professional environment. Cost of fees
BEMA offers students access to the following Equipment
Trident 88, 40 channel recording console, with patch bay and high-end audio processing equipment, industry standard 24 track Radar recorder running Pro-Tools.
Professional Audio Microphones that are industry standards – Neumann, AKG, Sennheiser, Shure, Royer, Beyer, and Rode.
Surround Sound Digital Mix Room with a C-24 Controller, KRK 5.1 monitoring system, Pro Tools, Waves Mercury Suite of plugins and iZotope plugins.
Large recording space with high ceilings where local bands are invited to record for free.
Digital Media Labs that are loaded with Pro Tools software, Waves, and iZotope plugins, and Adobe Creative Suite.
Certificate Programs
The Foundations In Broadcast Electronic Media Arts Certificate provides essential knowledge and skills in audio, video, and interactive media in preparation for intermediate and advanced practice and study of media arts and related certificates. It can serve as a stand-alone certificate in the basics of media arts or the basis for a pathway to broader introduction to theory, practice, and aesthetics in the craft of the audio, video and media arts.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:
Discuss and analyze major mass communication issues and the impact of new technology in the sound recording, video, multimedia, television, and radio industries.
Plan and implement projects that include using the basics of sound, video, and internet tools. Demonstrate beginning competency in video and audio production and editing.
Display professionalism and understanding of workforce protocol and communication skills.
The Audio and Video for the Web Certificate combines the study of creating media content, process and problem solving with tools and techniques of visual communication for broadband distribution. This course of study prepares the student to distribute audio and video content effectively via broadband.
Learning Outcome:
Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:
Describe and analyze the processes involved in creating audio and video content for broadband delivery.
Discuss, evaluate and analyze the impact internet content has on society.
Plan, organize and create effective online content that conveys intended message. Demonstrate technical skills necessary for creating effective audio and video content for the internet including, but not limited to: recording, editing and compressing to appropriate format.
Display professionalism and understanding of workforce protocol in communication and behavior.
The Sound Recording Arts Certificate builds on the Foundations in Broadcast Electronic Arts Certificate with an emphasis in the sound recording industry. Students learn recording techniques and how to operate the equipment used in recording commercial music.
Courses include hands-on exposure to production processes such as tracking, overdubbing, mixing and mastering by participating in recording sessions.
Students are prepared for entry-level positions at recording studios, sound reinforcement companies, mobile onsite music recording companies, radio production facilities, and audio post-production facilities including sound for video games.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:
Plan and execute the studio setup for a multitrack recording session with microphone and line level devices including but not limited to vocals, acoustic or electronic instruments, strings, woodwinds, percussion, and brass.
Configure multitrack control room equipment to track and monitor a music recording session and then engineer the session, including basic tracks and overdubs.
Plan, configure and execute a multitrack mixdown session, including identifying and troubleshooting problems.
Master final product for distribution on industry standard formats.
Display professionalism and understanding of the recording studio environment, as well as recording industry workforce protocol, communication skills, and behavior.
This is the second in a series of stackable certificates. Students must earn a Certificate of Accomplishment in Foundations In Broadcast Electronic Media Arts before earning this certificate. Students must complete each course with a grade of “C” or higher. All courses must be taken within the last four years. The minimum time for completion of this certificate is 2 semesters. Completion time will vary based on student preparation and number of classes completed per semester
The Live Sound Certificate builds on the Foundations in Broadcast Electronic Media Arts Certificate with an emphasis in the sound reinforcement industry. This certificate provides students with a foundation in the application of live sound in various acoustic spaces. Students learn how to operate and troubleshoot live sound production equipment and are prepared for entry-level work doing live sound for theaters, nightclubs, concert halls, sporting events, conferences, conventions, presentations, and live sound distribution via broadcast, cable, wireless, mobile devices and emerging media.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:
Plan and execute the sound reinforcement setup for vocals, acoustic and electronic instruments including but not limited to drums/percussion, strings, woodwinds, and brass using microphone and line level devices.
Configure public address (PA) system for various sized spaces and audience numbers and demonstrate proper placement and distribution of speakers. Identify and troubleshoot acoustic requirements of various sized spaces.
Utilize equalization techniques to remedy any problems with acoustics. Plan and configure multitrack recorder and video camera for live event recording.
Demonstrate professionalism and understanding of the live sound industry workforce protocol and communication skills.
This is the second in a series of stackable certificates. Students must earn a Certificate of Accomplishment in Foundations In Broadcast Electronic Media Arts before earning this certificate. Students must complete each course with a grade of “C” or higher. The minimum time for completion of this certificate is 2 semesters. Completion time will vary based on student preparation and number of classes completed per semester.
The Sound Design Certificate builds on the Foundations in Broadcast Electronic Arts Certificate with an emphasis in audio post-production. This certificate combines the study of audio theory and sound design as used in relation to video, TV, film, radio, video games and multimedia productions. Students learn recording and editing techniques and apply them via handson courses utilizing the industry standard equipment in audio for visual media production facilities and in location sound. Students who complete this certificate are prepared for entry level positions in facilities specializing in audio for video and film production, television, radio production, advertising, and theater.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:
Analyze visual media and assess the sound post-production needs, including dialog, sound effects, and music.
Collaborate in a group to plan, engineer, and perform Foley and ADR (Automated Dialog Recording) recording sessions, including spotting. Edit, sweeten, and place sync and ADR dialog, as well as Foley, library and created sound effects in sync with picture.
Operate a digital audio workstation to edit, signal process, sweeten, arrange and mixdown the DME audio in sync to picture using a variety of surround sound formats.
Display professionalism and understanding of the sound for television and film industry workforce protocol and communication skills.
Students must earn a Certificate of Accomplishment in Foundations In Broadcast Electronic Media Arts Students must complete each course with a grade of “C” or higher. All courses must be taken within the last four years. The minimum time for completion of this certificate is 2 semesters. Completion time will vary based on student preparation and number of classes completed per semester.
The Video Editing and Post Production Certificate builds on the Foundations in Broadcast Electronic Arts Certificate with an emphasis in video production and editing. This certificate provides instruction in basic video production, video editing, managing post-production tasks and distribution of video programs via broadcast, tape, disc and the Internet. Students completing this certificate program will be qualified for entry-level employment in video production and editing for television, advertising, public relations, multimedia, education, music, theater, film, entrepreneurial projects and media departments of agencies, businesses, and institutions.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:
Plan, edit, and manage the aesthetic and technical elements of video programs through pre-production and post-production stages in the context of video editing and finishing.
Produce content in a variety of areas within the context of post-production, including video editor, assistant editor, and post-production management assistant.
Apply a variety of video editing techniques related to content, identifying the key story focus, primary audience, purpose, and goals.
Effectively finish a video program using color correction, audio finishing, and simple motion graphic techniques.
Display professionalism and understanding of video industry workforce protocol, and demonstrate effective communication skills.
This is the second in a series of stackable certificates. Students must earn a Certificate of Accomplishment in Foundations In Broadcast Electronic Media Arts before earning this certificate. Students must complete each course with a grade of “C” or higher. All courses must be taken within the last four years. The minimum time for completion of this certificate is 3 semesters. Completion time will vary based on student preparation and number of classes completed per semester.
Multimedia Journalism Certificate of Accomplishment This certificate provides students with news research, writing, reporting, and packaging skills for entry-level employment in radio, television, cable, syndicated, Internet, and satellite news organizations. The Multimedia Journalism certificate is recommended for degree holders seeking to upgrade skills for career transition.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:
Identify and analyze structure and writing style of material for electronic media news.
Illustrate various electronic news media writing and announcing techniques through information gathering, writing news stories and on-camera presentation.
Define terms, methods, and practices related to digital video and audio production for electronic newsgathering.
Produce and assemble broadcast/multimedia news packages (MMJs) and programs.
Display professionalism and understanding of workforce protocol in the communication and behavior. Students must complete each course with a grade of “C” or higher. The minimum time for completion of this certificate is 2 semesters. Completion time will vary based on student preparation and number of classes completed per semester.
The AS‐T in Film, Television and Electronic Media offers students a comprehensive lower division program in film, television and electronic media, revolving around a basic core program. The AS‐T prepares students for transfer to upper division film, television and electronic media programs at four‐year colleges and universities, particularly to California State University (CSU) campuses.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:
Describe and analyze the history, issues, and impact of film, television and electronic media in a local and global context.
Demonstrate media literacy as a key part of the development of critical thinking skills. Apply introductory analytical skills to the design and creation of content for film, television and electronic media with a focus on writing, storytelling, teamwork, and leadership in preparation for further study at the university level.
Demonstrate film, television and electronic media production and performance craft skills suitable for further development at the university level.
Display professionalism and understanding of workforce protocol in communication and behavior.
Degree Requirements: Students who wish to earn the Associate in Science in Film, Television and Electronic Media for Transfer (AS-T) must complete 60 CSU transferable units with at least a 2.0-grade point average. This must include the units required for full completion of the IGETC or CSU GE curriculum and for the major as specified below. Each course in the major must be completed with a grade of “C” or better. Courses used to meet the major requirement may also be used to meet IGETC or CSU GE requirements. Assuming students start this AS-T with transfer‐level math and English eligibility, the minimum time for completion is 4 semesters. Completion time will vary based on student preparation and number of units completed per semester.