2016 Year End Campaign
Nonprofits could suffer under Trump’s tax plan – The current federal tax code includes incentives for people to donate to charity, but Trump’s proposed tax reforms are expected to reduce those incentives, resulting in a falloff in donations. We encourage you to let congress know how you feel about this. Nonprofits play a vital role in society, serving different types of needs and interests of the community. You can find more information how Trump’s tax policy might affect Non-Profits here.
SoundGirls.Org has taken the initiave to address the lack of women and diversity in audio. Our mission is to create a supportive community for women (and men) in audio and music production, providing the tools, knowledge, and support to further their careers.
Every day, your support makes SoundGirls possible. Today, we are launching our 2016 Year-End Campaign. Would you be willing to make a special year-end tax-deductible donation to SoundGirls? For a $20 donation we offering the SoundGirls 2016 Yearbook, including all of our feature profiles, the best of the blogs and articles and highlights from all our 2016 events, workshops, and camps. Your support will help to continue to grow our community that makes a real and lasting impact in the lives of girls and women.
We thank you for your continued support and wish all our members a wonderful holiday season.
Karrie, Tiffany, and Jessica
All Donations are Tax Deductible
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